Veraldine Lahym
Veraldine is one of the main characters of the series. She was born around the year 3497 in Green Town, an agricultural elven village near the main human capital, Continental. She is currently age 19, which is equivalent to the age of 95 in human years.
Although she is still young by elven standards, she has served as caretaker for her little brother, Cedric, since the death of their parents, who were casualties of the conflict between the human army and elven rebels during the siege of Continental in the year 3547.
Unbeknownst to Veraldine, she is in possession of the fabled “Medallion of Light”, a sacred relic of the ancient Elves. This amulet has the power to change the course of history, and it remains to be seen how it will impact the life of Veraldine...

Adam Cromwell
Another main character of our history is Adam, a young human Colonel from the Human Central Army.
He was born in the year 3,570 according to the official records. Belonging to a family with a great military history, he have a great number of skills which allowed him a quick growing within the army.
After multiple victories against the Elven Rebellion in the East, he is assinged to the main human capital city, Continental, at the age of 27.
Without knowing, it will be in a near elven village under the human domain where he will meet Veraldine, giving up to a love he have never felt before.
Besides his charisma and compassion with other races of Adnalia, Adam keep in secret his own agenda, situation which will lead him to face a desperate fight to protect the ones he loved.

Roger Warmling
Otro de los personajes principales de esta fantástica novela y uno de los favoritos de los lectores, ¡Roger Warmling!.
Nacido en el año 3,567 de acuerdo con los registros oficiales del Ejército Central. Originario de la ciudad de Manichen, donde creció y se enlistó en el ejército a la edad de 12 años.
Gracias a su impresionante resistencia física, y habilidad de combate pronto fue promovido hasta alcanzar el rango de Mayor.
Forjó una gran amistad con Adam tras ser junto con él los dos únicos sobrevivientes en su primera misión, una expedición de rescate a Garra Dragón.
Luego de una decisiva victoria en contra de la rebelión de elfos en las ciudades bajas al suroeste de la ciudad de Nueva Galia, es promovido a la ciudad de Continental junto con su amigo, el ahora Coronel Cromwell. Será ahí donde conocerá a Veraldine, jugando un papel clave en los acontecimientos de toda la historia.
Soon I will include all the main characters of the first book of this fantastic book series: Alfheim, Veraldine's Quest.
You can buy the Spanish version of my books here.
To know more about me visit my biography..