Planet Adnalia


¿Podrías imaginar un mundo dónde la fantasía y la realidad se unen de forma mágica? ¡Así es Adnalia! Adnalia es un planeta a millones de años luz de la Tierra. Posee un diámetro de 34,194 km, con dos satélites o lunas que giran alrededor del planeta en ciclos de 25 horas.  Es el hogar de …

Adnalia Read more

First of all, why Alfheim?

Why Alfheim? Well, for all those who want to know where the series name came from, or what the meaning of Alfheim is, I’ll explain that below.. The word "Alfheim" has its roots in Norse mythology, where it is one of the nine realms hanging from the tree of life, Yggdrasil. Examples of other realms are "Asgard", which is the world of Gods such as Odin, Thor, and Loki (those who like mythology, or who happen to be fans ...

First of all, why Alfheim? Read more

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