Why Alfheim? Well, for all those who want to know where the series name came from, or what the meaning of Alfheim is, I’ll explain that below.
The word "Alfheim" has its roots in Norse mythology, where it is one of the nine realms hanging from the tree of life, Yggdrasil. Examples of other realms are "Asgard", which is the world of Gods such as Odin, Thor, Loki and more.
Those who like mythology, or who happen to be fans of certain comics, movies, and animes, are surely familiar with it), and “Midgard”, which is the world of mortals (or humans, as it were) and more.
Alfheim itself is the world of the elves of light.
Are these books related to Norse mythology?
The answer is: Yes! While the setting of the books is heavily influenced by mythology, there is one big difference; namely, Alfheim is a city, not a world or realm.
But enough with mythology, let's quickly discuss a summary of the books. The saga is considered epic fantasy, and is a mix of genres such as romance, action, and adventure that blend together in a unique world full of magic, fantastic creatures, and futuristic technology.
Brief background, prior the main story line…
The story begins 1,500 years in the future; however, the state of the world that our heroine finds herself in is the culmination of events that started many centuries before... In a distant future where humanity has overcome the trials and tribulations of space travel, humankind next finds itself vying for supremacy among the species of the universe, looking to conquer the infinite worlds and resources in front of them. One of their first discoveries was a planet very similar to Earth in terms of flora and fauna, named "Adnalia".
Humans were not only amazed by the planet's incredible beauty, but were fascinated to realize that the world of Adnalia was home to creatures that they used to believe were merely "fairy tales". Fantastic creatures lived freely in the world, with three species being dominant: the elves, the dragons, and the ruforitas. Soon, however, there would be a fourth...
After establishing a foothold on the planet, and although at the beginning they tried to coexist, the humans weren’t satisfied. They wanted more. Adnalia was to be considered a colony of Earth. The war began. Decades of bloodshed finally came to an end with the destruction of the elven cities, among them the magnificent capital of Alfheim, the crown jewel of the mighty elven empire. The extinction of the dragons, the last species that continued the fight against humans soon followed.
A new beginning...
Much time has passed since that great war, and to the remaining elves freedom is but a faint and distant memory. Humans control almost every corner of the planet. The elven population is subjugated, confined to villages scattered around the mighty human cities, and every memory of their ancient civilization was prohibited.
It is in one these small elven villages that our heroine finds herself. A young elf named Veraldine is about to embark on a quest that she would never, ever would’ve imagined…

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